What is The Cavalry Group?
The Cavalry Group is a member based company made up of animal owners and animal-related businesses. Our members range from individual horse and dog owners to small farmers, breeders, agricultural food producers and other animal related businesses.
We have joined together as a collective force to protect our private property rights and our businesses from the radical animal rights extremists legally and legislatively nation-wide.
The Cavalry Group is a private company, not a 501c3 non-profit. Accordingly, our member's information is private and secure.
As a private company we are also able to avoid the limitations that non-profit organizations face, and are able to produce results when called upon.
Membership to The Cavalry Group is tax-deductable.
Where is The Cavalry Group located? Guthrie, Oklahoma Why do we need an organization like The Cavalry Group? The story is the same across the entire country. Animal owners and animal related businesses are bullied, intimidated and have their constitutional rights violated by all levels of government who have been infiltrated by, or are heavily influenced, by animal rights extremists and animal rights organizations. The Cavalry Group exists as a firewall between our members and the bully-tactics of animal rights groups. We provide early intervention for our members only which can prevent the unwarranted seizure of animals, and ultimately save our members from thousands of dollars in legal fees in the often futile effort to return seized animals to their owners. Please reference this article to better understand our core mission: click here Will you sell or give out my address and personal information? Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, and we will never disclose membership information to outside third parties.
When can I call The Cavalry Group? We are available 9-5 CST for normal business operations. Our Emergency Hotline is available 24/7 to members only for emergencies only. | Is The Cavalry Group politically active? Yes. The Cavalry Group lobbies at the federal level, while working with our team across the U.S. to defeat animal rights-driven legislation at the state and local levels, as well. The Cavalry Group represents and supports our members' interests legislatively and in public relations and media. What happens if I am contacted by government officials or animal welfare officials regarding violations of animal welfare laws? The Cavalry Group is committed to helping animal owners protect their rights by educating citizens and lawmakers and helping its membership. We also bring our years of expertise and experience in dealing with the challenges facing animal enterprise and animal ownership that we have successfully navigated without resorting to bringing in our attorneys. As a condition of Membership, Members are required to make best efforts to obey all local, state and federal laws and regulations. Failure to do so in the sole opinion of The Cavalry Group renders all Member Benefits void. **Please note: The Cavalry Group is not a law firm and your Membership Benefits do not include legal representation for issues beyond illegal search and seizure. Notwithstanding, at our sole option our legal team is available for hire to assist you in other legal matters such as contract disputes, USDA appeals, and other business legal needs. You may always elect to procure your own attorney however you will be responsible for any costs associated with that election. |