Our Mission:
- To protect and advance the Constitutional and private property rights of law abiding animal owners, animal-related businesses, sportsmen, and agricultural concerns legally, legislatively, and culturally nationwide.
The Cavalry Group is a member based company made of up animal owners, animal-related businesses, and corporate concerns. We have joined together to fight the radical animal rights agenda legally and legislatively nation-wide.
- The Cavalry Group protects your rights to own animals and operate animal oriented businesses from attacks by animal rights extremists.
The Cavalry Group partners with animal owners and businesses as a collective force to counter legislative attacks driven by radical animal rights groups on state and federal levels.
- The Cavalry Group's team of experienced professionals includes attorneys, political consultants, and agriculture advocates who are leading the fight against the radical agenda of the animal rights movement.
- The Cavalry Group was established to defend and advance the Constitutional rights of law abiding animal owners and animal related businesses all across America.